Air Filters: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

You seldom see them, but air filters are in many of your household appliances – your fridge, dryer, vacuum, furnace and air conditioner! Air filters are a vital part of your home’s air quality, which means that they require regular tender loving care. If you avoid...

It’s No Miracle, It’s Afterglow

Programmable thermostats may be a problem for the elderly and infirm. If you are helping look after a senior or someone infirm, check the programming on their furnace thermostat. We recently received a call from an elderly neighbour because she didn’t have any heat!...

Spring Cleaning Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

Can you believe it? Waterloo Region is experiencing above zero temperatures for the first time in MONTHS! Which means it’s safe to say spring is almost here. But we have a question for you, is your HVAC system ready? While we have no doubt that the change of season is...

#KWColdHeroes Continued, Again!

Throughout this exceptionally chilly Canadian winter, we have been highlighting some incredible community members who are up bright and early, working hard to keep Waterloo Region safe and make it a great place to live year-round! We’re calling them our #KWColdHeroes....

Top 5 Extreme Cold Tips

For over 24 years, the Afterglow team has been taking care of Waterloo Region, keeping families cool in the summer months and warm during the winter months. As experts in the field, we will keep your furnace happily humming throughout our frosty Canadian winters!...

What No HVAC Professional Wants to Talk About

What does kitty litter, dirty laundry, and uninstalled toilets have in common? They’re just a few of the things we’ve had to work around over the past 24 years. And no, we’re not kidding – our heating and cooling technicians have had to work in some bizarre spaces!...

Afterglow’s #KWColdHeroes Continued

Corry Bath is bundled up and smiling! She can be found on the corner of Chopin Drive and Westmount Road everyday; walking A.R. Kaufman Public School students across the intersection. On this day, it is about -20 with the wind chill, but Corry isn’t complaining....