6 Furnace Fail Warning Signs

When it comes to HVAC systems, the changing weather of autumn can bring some unexpected problems. At the first sign of chilly fall winds, homeowners find themselves turning on furnaces that haven’t been used for several months. Have you ever turned on your furnace to...

Enjoying the Summer, KW style

As the A/C specialists in Waterloo Region, we think that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with staying inside where it’s cool and comfortable. However, there’s so much to experience in Waterloo Region during the summer months that it would be a shame to miss out....

Spend Less: Energy & Money

As the hot weather begins, you’ve probably started to think about how to keep cool this summer. At Afterglow, we can help you increase efficiency and get the most from your AC unit throughout the summer months. Follow these easy tips to stay cool: Avoid Using...