From Extreme Cold to Extreme Heat

Stephen from Afterglow here, There is a light at the end of the tunnel! That light is the sun, and it’s bringing on the spring sunshine. Seriously, the winter was the worst we’ve seen in the past 20 years, four degrees below average. I’m a numbers guy, so bare with me...

Straight talk from Saul Korman

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Straight talk from Saul Korman

So what is Saul Korman’s Advice? Read on… I love hearing the comforting voice of Saul Korman advertising Korry’s on the FAN-590 radio station. It is his authentic style that keeps me listening and enjoying his ads. Last summer I emailed Saul to let him know that...


Like all industries, we have many acronyms in the Heating and Cooling business: HRV, ACH, ECM, AFUE, SEER, and HVAC. Have you ever wondered what they stand for and the difference? HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning. Thing is, if you deal with a...