Like all industries, we have many acronyms in the Heating and Cooling business: HRV, ACH, ECM, AFUE, SEER, and HVAC. Have you ever wondered what they stand for and the difference? HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning. Thing is, if you deal with a...

Why do furnaces break?

Why do furnaces break? The simple answer is … lots of different reasons. At Afterglow, we get asked that question all the time. It never fails… we ring the doorbell, walk into a home that has electric heaters plugged into every outlet. We follow the homeowner to the...


  We are a family-run business at Afterglow. George McDonald started the company in the early 1990s.  Over the years, both of his sons have joined him, and his youngest, Stephen, is now the General Manager. In honour of Father’s Day, we asked George and...

Top Marks!

Recently, our GM Stephen McDonald of Afterglow had the honour of awarding Jay Everitt, the top HVAC student from the technician program at Conestoga College, with the HRAI Top Student Award. “We look forward to hiring and working with these well trained graduates.”...